A fantastic day on 23 July 2022 for the return of the Picnic Funday! Thank you to everyone in the community who joined in the fun, and to the Lord Mayor, Caroline Conroy, who came along to see this wonderful community spirit in action. Big thanks to the DTRA Social Committee for organising such a fantastic day.![]() The DTRA are pleased to announce that a recording for the Solidarity with Ukraine guest speaker event held on 6th April in St Pats DCU is now available on YouTube. The event featured several very interesting lectures including ones on the history of Ukraine, the art and literature of Ukraine, the work of the Irish refugee council and a poignant reminder of the personal devastation caused by the war. The recording for the Ukraine event is now available on YouTube through the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ji0YispC-NY Guest speakers at the event: Dr Tanya (Tetyana) Lokot is Associate Professor in Digital Media and Society at the School of Communications in DCU. She researches threats to digital rights, networked authoritarianism, internet freedom, and internet governance in Eastern Europe. She is the author of Beyond the Protest Square: Digital Media and Augmented Dissent (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), an in-depth study of protest and digital media in Ukraine and Russia. Oleg Chupryna is originally from Kharkiv city in Ukraine. Currently, he is a part-time PhD student with the Centre for European and Eurasian Studies, Department of Sociology at Maynooth University. He specialises in contemporary post-Soviet politics and international relations and has published numerous opinion articles in English, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian on topical issues in various Irish and international media. Oleg is a part-time lecturer in Politics, International Relations and Social Studies at Maynooth University and a part-time substitute teacher in secondary school in Dublin. Jennifer Anorue is originally from Kharkiv. She is a Master's student at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture of Ukraine in Kyiv, studying art theory and history. She is also an artist, art teacher and photo model. Jennifer is co-founder and a project manager of an inter-university art space 'Kryla' (Wings). Jennifer has also been involved in the city's eco-movement as a co-organiser and volunteer. The Irish Refugee Council The Irish Refugee Council is a NGO which provides information and legal representation to people seeking protection and refugees as well as support in accessing accommodation, employment, and education. The IRC are receiving calls from Irish people with family in Ukraine and looking desperately for help, as well as calls and emails from people trying to leave Ukraine. The priority of the IRC is to ensure Ukrainians can access protection in Ireland and across Europe. Sofia Rudenko was born in Kiev, Ukraine. She moved to Dublin two years ago to study international law. She is now studying marketing. She is also supporting the Irish Refugee Council's response to the situation in Ukraine as a part-time caseworker. Katie Mannion is Managing Solicitor at the Irish Refugee Council Independent Law Centre. The local community here in Drumcondra, as the rest of Ireland, are horrified at the unfolding of events in Ukraine, and wish to offer whatever support is possible to the people of Ukraine.
With this in mind, the DTRA are proposing to hold an event with guest speakers from Ukraine, with a twofold purpose: (1) To raise public awareness about the history, culture, and current context of Ukraine, in order to help pave a way for Ukrainian people in Ireland to feel understood and know they are supported. And (2) To raise funds for refugee support + humanitarian aid efforts. We have provisionally booked a room in DCU St. Patrick’s Campus and would also like to consider livestreaming the event (via Zoom) if possible. More details to follow ASAP, but for now please save the date in your diaries The DTRA Management Committee is pleased to notify members of the AGM to be held on 2nd March at 7.30pm via Zoom.
All current members are eligible to attend the AGM. Please email [email protected] to confirm attendance. Please note that the new membership year will run from the day following the AGM to the conclusion of the following year’s AGM. If you wish to renew your membership for 2022 please email [email protected] with your name, email address, phone number and the road you live on. We will respond with information on methods of paying the membership fee of €10 per person. The AGM will review the DTRA’s activities during 2021 as well as looking ahead to plans for 2022 and beyond. Following the AGM we once again welcome as our guest speaker Cormac Moore, DCC Historian-in-Residence, who will give a talk on the Civil War in Ireland. Anyone who wishes to can stay on after the AGM business has concluded, for what promises to be another very interesting talk by Cormac. The DTRA Committee has recently conducted a review of our Constitution, to ensure strong governance practices are in place to enable the DTRA to flourish into the future. The revised version of the Constitution showing all changes, and also a ‘clean’ copy of the proposal for the updated Constitution will be emailed to members in advance of the AGM. We will be asking members to vote on the proposed changes to the Constitution. The election of officers for 2022 will take place during the AGM. The three officer positions are Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. As a member of the DTRA you have the opportunity to vote for elected officer positions, to make nominations for election of officers, and to stand for election yourself. There are also a variety of other volunteer roles available, as outlined in the proposed Constitution. More information will be provided on these roles and the various sub-committees during the AGM, for those who are interested in finding out more about how to get involved as a volunteer. The deadline for nominations is 22nd February. As a member, you will be kept informed of all DTRA activities during 2022 and have the opportunity to contribute in numerous ways to the activities - through ideas, knowledge, experience, organisation, physically getting to work, or simply sharing in the sense of community and fun! The DTRA are delighted to announce that we are running a Christmas raffle with great prizes generously donated by local businesses! We are raising funds to support us to continue to hold initiatives & events of benefit to the community.
We will also be splitting the proceeds with Aoibhneas, a local charity that provides support for women and children affected by domestic abuse. Tickets can be purchased through our iDonate raffle page: https://www.idonate.ie/raffle/DTRA €5 for one or €10 for three, open to buy until 11 pm on 21st Dec. We will be holding the draw on 22nd Dec at our outdoor mulled wine & mince pies street event - more to follow! We are delighted to announce that the Halloween Spooky Story Walk is back!
Join us at Lemon's Square on Millmount Avenue at 5.30pm on Halloween Eve to take part. This year we'll be sticking to more open spaces, and a slightly shorter walk to allow people to spread out and keep some distance. We'll all be dying to see you there! Also following the success of last year's pumpkin carving competition, we will be running it again this Halloween! Email a photo of your pumpkin to [email protected] by Saturday 30th October. Competition is open to all residents covered by the DTRA. Happy carving!! We are delighted to share the exciting news that work has commenced on the initial phase of the Lemon's Square project. These first steps involve resurfacing the site and adding some lovely new planters. Thanks to Dublin City Council for funding these initial works.
The Lemon's Square vision will evolve over several years, in line with local community engagement and support from Dublin City Council. It is wonderful to take the first steps on this journey - keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates on the next phase of the project. ![]() Linking up with Culture Night nationally over the weekend of 17th-19th Sept, the DTRA will be holding our very first ‘lamppost art’ exhibition around the Triangle. We are calling on all amateur artists in the neighbourhood (any professional ones out there are also more than welcome to enter!) to submit a piece of work, old or new, under the general theme of ‘culture & community’ All ages are invited to join in! This is a fun opportunity to showcase the imagination and talent across our wonderful neighbourhood. Art in all forms is welcome (painting, drawing, photography, 3D) - we will laminate a copy/photo of your work to hang on lampposts around the neighbourhood. You are also welcome to display your original artwork (particularly if 3D) in your window/garden over Culture Weekend. An entry fee of €5 applies. Everyone who submits a piece of art will be entered into a raffle draw with the chance to win a prize (there will be 3 categories: age up to 12; age 13-18, and age 18+). Closing date for entries is Sunday 12th September. Submissions open to residents within the area covered by the DTRA. For full details on how to submit your work please email [email protected] |
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July 2022
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