In advance of our AGM on 3rd February via Zoom, the DTRA are seeking members old and new.
DTRA members will be sent an agenda and link to join our Zoom AGM on 3rd February at 8.00pm. At the AGM we will be reviewing the DTRA’s activities during 2020 as well as looking ahead to plans for 2021 and beyond. We will also be launching an exciting new project and rounding up the AGM with a guest speaker. The election of officers for 2021 will take place during the AGM. The three officer positions are Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. There are also a variety of other volunteer roles available. As a member of the DTRA you have the opportunity to vote for officers and committee roles, to make nominations for election of officers, and to stand for election yourself. As a member, you will be kept informed of all DTRA activities during 2021 and have the opportunity to contribute in numerous ways to the activities - through ideas, knowledge, experience, organisation, physically getting to work, or simply sharing in the sense of community and fun! The membership fee for 2021 is still only €10.00. To join the DTRA for 2021, email [email protected] with your name, email address, phone number and the road you live on. You will be added to the list of attendees to the AGM, and the Zoom link and agenda will be sent to you together with methods of paying the fee of €10 per person. If you are a member and wish to stand for election to an officer role, please submit your interest by a deadline of Wednesday 27th January. Our wonderful Triangle values all our community, so join the DTRA for 2021 now! |
AuthorDTRA Committee Archives
July 2022
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